Picked up the latest MCV (Friday 3rd March) and breathed a HUGE sigh of relief – they’re back on form again. Over the last couple of months they seemed to have turned into some weird corporate brochure, with pseudo-manga covers and news downgraded to filler status, but THEY’RE BACK!! Hooray!
I’m intrigued at the letters/editorial stoush over the chicks’n’dicks crew they turned out for Pride and Carnival. Perhaps this rather ill-judged attempt at importing Sydney Mardi-Gras style sex’n’sleaze – not that there’s anything wrong with that – is now over.
Personally I’ve no objection to scantily-clad models sashaying around in public, but they stuck out at the aforementioned events like a sore bum. Soo not Melbourne, darlings. Mind you, some of the community reaction seems just a tad hypocritical.
Pride’s a MARCH, lovies, as they will tell you (at tedious self-justifying length) not a PARADE. We’re Melbourne, it’s tasteless, bad form or something to actually mention the SEX in homoSEXuality. We’re frightfully respectable chaps and chapesses nowadays, don’t you know, these are FAMILY events, people brought their kids, for heaven’s sake. I don’t want my kids exposed to female BREASTS at Carnival!!!!
Hang on a minute, weren’t some of the Dykes on Bykes at Pride, as tradition dictates, bare-breasted? What did you do when they went roaring by? Drop a burkah over the stroller?
Oh, it’s only COMMERCIAL titties you object to - you don’t mind COMMUNITY dugs on display. Or your own while you’re proudly (and rightly) publicly breastfeeding the aforementioned sprogs. Glad we cleared that one up.
Not being a breast man myself, I just smiled indulgently when the MCVettes dropped their tops and turned my attention to the boys. And boys is the word. Shouldn’t they have been at school? Probably a convent school, to judge by the shrieking and giggling?
My only objection is that they were – I’m trying to say this kindly – a bit underdeveloped. When the cabin crew sashay down the aisle, asking, “Chicken, fish or beef?” I’ll take beef every time. And I’ll always choose the steak over the ribs. But everyone to his or her own taste.
At any rate, it seemed distinctly odd for a self-styled community newspaper to promo itself as if it were a porn mag. But as I said, judging by the latest edition, they’re getting over it. Melbourne has two gay newspapers again. And HOORAY for that.
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