Friday, June 06, 2008

The Vice President Makes a Call

“Hey Mr President, how are you?”

“Oh, not so bad, you know. Keeping busy with the redecorations.”

“Well, it makes sense for me to do that, I’m glad you asked me. After all, I do have the experience.”

“Listen, Barry, I was thinking. We’re still not doing too well in the Southern states. You know, I hate to say this, but they still haven’t 'cottoned on' to the idea of a black man as President. But I think I see a way to get them onside.”

“Let’s swing through the south, play up the Kennedy thing, give ‘em a real guilt trip – you know, do a motorcade through Dallas, stuff like that. Claim the legacy, show courage, the vision thing, blah, blah....... kinda fits with your 'change' schtick, you know?”

“No, no need to thank me Barry, we’re a team, right? I mean, that’s what Veeps are for, watching the President's back, making sure he's on target, you know.”

“How’s your diary – you free for lunch?”

“Bill? No, he’s out of town right now. Some property deal he’s working on. Checking out a book depository someplace. But I’m sure he’s thinking of you.”

“OK see you at lunch. And Barry, can we leave Michelle out of this one, please? I do not want another fight about the Oval Office curtains. See ya!”

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