STUDENTS of a prestigious private school may boycott their senior formal after a ban on same-sex partners.
A year 12 student at Brisbane's Anglican Church Grammar School has criticised the all-boys school after he made a request on behalf of at least eight gay students wanting to take partners to the June formal.
The student, who did not wish to be named, said he felt misled following his approach to a senior teacher and said he expectedstudents would consider a boycott.The student said he approached Head of Senior School Dr Phil Cummins, who told him the school's practice of allowing only female formal partners would be "quietly changed" if he did not make a big deal about it.
"He said to me, 'If you go quietly about this and if you don't cause us too much trouble, we will just quietly change the rules so they'reallowed and no-one gets hurt'," the student said."At the start of 2006, there was no one at the school who was openly gay, now there are dozens.
"Generally it's a very accepting school. It's not like anyone has ever been persecuted for being gay."A few students will have second thoughts about going to the formal because of all this."
Headmaster Jonathan Hensman said the formal was an opportunity for students to escort a young lady to a dance and the school would not change that practice."We decide what is appropriate behaviour and what is not," Mr Hensman said.
Catholic schools in Queensland have also ruled out allowing gaypartners at school formals, but state high schools set their own guidelines.
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